If you've got balls, you can be straightforward with something like "Hi there, I saw you from across the bar and thought you were really gorgeous.

You can't compliment anything but appearance if you don't know them. Today, flirting and being straight forward is rare, and if it's someone's first time seeing it, you may immediately seem creepy because it comes from a stranger. Infact, as you go back in time, whistling or cat calling was a bit more normal, and sometimes worked, but women were also seen as the lesser gender so don't do that. Nowadays, people find it out of the norm to flirt without prior meeting. Before I go on and brand myself as an incel, let me explain. Anyway, the reason usually isn't your skills, it's actually the people and societal norms. These tips are coming from a 16-year-old straight male in high school, who has practiced to improvise because looks aren't his strength, so most tips are based on my experience many of them apply to both genders.

In modern day, and especially in highschool, I find that it is really difficult. I have made important bits bold, think of it like a TL DR. These tips are not for seduction, they are to show someone that you are interested in spending time with them romantically, not explicitly in a sexual manner. Once I learned these things (and some are practice based, not just something you have to know) I was easily able to start talking to girls, and it isn't just great for finding a date you will find that if you do this in school and are rejected, some people will appreciate it enough to tell their friends (possible candidates for flirting), or even befriend you. I commented this in an askreddit thread, and decided to share it in some other subs in hopes of helping people.